no image clock Sep 26,2018

Paris fashion week is here. Read on to discover how wearable tech is making its way into fashion and changing the way fashion and technology connect.

clock Sep 21,2018

If you were asked to name the best city in the UK for entrepreneurs, you’d probably mention London, Manchester, maybe even Bristol, and with good reason. Birmingham however might not rank highly on your list — if at all. But it absolutely should! The unofficial capital of the Midlands is a rising star in the world of startups, and for those in the know it’s an entrepreneur’s paradise. Let me tell you why…

clock Sep 14,2018

Much has been written about Magento, a very search-engine friendly platform for ecommerce that can be used straight from the box. The problem is, there are a few issues that need to be attend to if you are going to optimise your Magento SEO website in the best way.

clock Sep 10,2018

I know, we all hear about awesome apps that are going to change the world. You hear about the latest millionaire high school student who made an app and has now retired.

Have you ever wonder what happened to the fly swatting app….. an app to swat flys with and no… it’s not a game!

no image clock Sep 07,2018

Your website truly is your window on the world and each time someone lands on your webpage, you make an impression upon them. But is it a good one?