Many marketers don’t really associate email marketing and SEO. After all, emails aren’t indexed by search engines, so they don’t really help you rank higher. However, that doesn’t mean email marketing and other digital marketing strategies cannot be used in conjunction with SEO.

With planning and coordination, email marketing can be very beneficial to your SEO efforts. Still not convinced? Take a look at three benefits that email marketing can have on your SEO.

It boosts your social media presence.

There is strong evidence that your social media presence is directly related to your ranking on search engines. In fact, an analysis of 23 million social media shares found that the five most shared pages on social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ are also the five highest ranking pages on Google.

This is why you must include social media sharing links or buttons in your emails. Doing so makes it a whole lot easier for your subscribers to share your messages and promotions on their social media pages. When people who are unaware of your brand see you on social media, their instinct tells them to search for you on Google, which naturally brings traffic to your website.

It helps you in content creation and promotion.

Don’t disregard old emails or newsletters just yet—it would be a waste of content. Instead, take the content from your old emails, make edits as necessary, and turn them into high-quality blogs that you can publish on your website. Regardless of the content in your old emails, you can definitely find ways to turn them into meaningful and valuable content for your audience.

You can turn previous newsletters you’ve sent into blogs by using the same content and turning them into blogs. Just is make some tweaks to the language as necessary, update (or remove entirely) any outdated information, and insert the write keywords. Alternatively, you turn newsletters into content offers in the form of ebooks and whitepapers.

This strategy also works on your other emails. The content on one short email is not enough to transform into a blog, so what you can do is collect content from similar emails and make it into one blog. However, keep in mind that you still have to edit the content that you collect (and add relevant keywords) to make sure they all tie together seamlessly. The blog should read like a focused and well-connected piece, not a hotchpotch of various emails.

The next thing you need to do is promote your repurposed content through email. Your subscribers don’t visit your website on a daily basis to keep tabs on your new content, but they do spend a lot of time checking their emails.

Use people’s tendency to constantly check their emails to promote your content. Here are some content promotion strategies you can try.

  • Send emails to promote your brand new blogs.
  • Wait three days, and then send follow up emails for the same content using a subject line that’s something like this: “Hey [subscriber’s name], here’s a new blog post you may have missed!”
  • Segment your lists and send the content directly to your most engaged subscribers as well as subscribers who’ve made recent purchases from you.
  • Send emails to promote your high-traffic blogs

Promoting your content through email enables you to drive significantly more traffic to your site while ensuring that your subscribers don’t miss out on content that could be valuable to them.

It builds brand awareness

With every share on social media, every piece of content you promote, and every email you send, people become more and more aware of your brand. Take this scenario, for instance.

A person who doesn’t yet know who you are sees someone on your Facebook feed share one of your popular blog articles. It piques the person’s interest so they decide to click on the article to read it. Now, the person is even more interested in your brand and wants to know more about what you can offer so they click on the CTA on the blog and sign up for your newsletter.

In this example, you’ve already achieved two things. You got traffic to your website and an additional name on your list—and this is just one person. Think about what could happen if it was several people.

To make sure that you stay on the mind of new subscribers, capitalise on this momentum by sending out welcome emails. Why welcome emails, you ask? Because they work, plain and simple. Welcome emails have an average open rate of 50% and a 320% higher revenue rate per email than other promotional emails

Welcome emails with the right messages allow your brand to:

  • Stay top of mind with your subscribers
  • Create the best impression you possibly can
  • Promote your products and service
  • Turn new subscribers into paying customers

Take your welcome emails to the next level by automating them so that they’re sent immediately whenever a subscriber is added to your list. This eliminates the risk of your brand slipping from your subscribers minds, which is inherent in manual email sending.

When it comes to building brand awareness, consistency is important to. Whatever you promise you stated in your welcome email, you have to keep. If you mentioned in your welcome email that your subscriber will receive a weekly newsletter, then you need to send the subscriber an email every week, on the same day and at the same time.

Delivering on your promises will not just build brand awareness, it will also foster customer loyalty, boost engagement and drive repeat traffic to your website—all of which have a direct impact to your SEO.

Wrap up

If used in the right way, email marketing can be a powerful tool to use together with SEO. But if you want to achieve the best results, you have to use all the digital marketing channels at your disposal, including social media, content marketing and even paid advertising.

When using digital marketing as part of an omnichannel approach it helps drive brand consistency – it allows you to distribute your clear message across several channels and medias whether that be remarketing, video pre-rolls or email marketing – Your message is kept consistent to all who come across it.

Looking for some free digital marketing tools? Check out our list of the free best digital marketing tools here.

ALT Agency is a digital marketing agency offering a range of digital marketing services in Birmingham.