In these Google PPC articles I will be showing you how to:

  • Increase the chances of getting your advert clicked
  • Writing a strong, captivating headline
  • Understanding your quality score
  • And much more

Missed my last article ‘Google PPC tip #2 – Clickworthy Headlines‘? Then Click Here to read it now.
I hope by now you have read my two previous posts and have decided upon a specific target market and crafted a set of highly click-worthy headlines. I hope you are also putting my advice into ACTION as that’s whats really needed!

What we are going to cover in this email is the main reason I rave so much about Google PPC: Targeting.

The most common issue I come across when working with clients on improving their PPC campaigns is that they are doing “brand awareness” or “brand promotion”, which is aimed at everyone in general, because General Electric, McDonalds or some other billion pound corporation is doing it. The problem is you don’t have money to just throw out like they do (if you do… call me!) and secondly and most importantly brand advertising does not include any sort of specific call to action, meaning brand advertising is practically un-measureable. With specific targeting we can hit your specific target market right down to their specific location. We can then get your advert in front of these highly targeted people and measure their responsiveness.

When setting up targeting for your Google PPC campaign there are a number of ways you can target people, the first being by location. When selecting a location in your Google settings you can usually get down to some specific small towns, a great feature of this is that Google shows an estimated reach, this shows you approximately how many people your advert can reach in that specific location.

The second best way is to target using keywords; this allows you to set the key phrases/terms your target market will type into Google to find your web site. Your keywords again should be very targeted and specific, there are 2 types of keywords you can choose from: Generic and long tail, for example, using “Web Design” as a keyword is very generic, the costs per click would be very high and overall the competition strong. An example of a long tail keyword would be “freelance wordpress developer in the West Midlands”, this type of keyword is very specific, and the cost per click would be less that something more generic such as “wordpress developer”.

I advise trialling a number of long tail keywords with generic ones. Generic keywords will get a lot of views, but you will pay more the click and the traffic from them will be a lot weaker than using long tail keywords.