The Benefits of PHP Development

As a leading website development company in Birmingham (something ALT Agency have been for the last 18 years) it’s easy for us to advise clients down the route of developing their websites in PHP… often we get asked what PHP is and why we use it.

So I thought I’d put together this short bog post outlining why you should use PHP development and the benefits of PHP development

PHP is FREE – There are no special licenses required for the coding or web hosting, a pretty big benefit to most businesses.

Supply & Demand – You will find a ton of very experienced PHP programmers available, so should you ever need to find one quickly then there are many available.

That does not mean they are necessarily good, but there’s lots of them available.

Other languages such as ASPX or .NET tend to have a lower availability of developers available, thus making them more expensive.

ASP developers tend to charge a premium on their hourly rate because it is so specialised!


Global community – PHP is open source and has a global community of develops constantly pushing the language and of course offering valuable input and support.

There are thousands and thousands of online resources available for you to read up on, free tutorials and code-snippets are widely available.


Security – Many hackers try to attack websites for no apparent reason other than to cause disruption.

PHP offers many levels of security to make your website safe and secure from hackers & prevent SQL injections.


Supported Globally across all browsers – PHP is the foundation that most websites and software such as WordPress is built upon.

PHP is supported across all major browsers and devices including mobile and tablet devices.


So as you can see, the benefits of PHP development range across a wide specturm, not least the fact that it’s free. PHP is easy to use, cheaper in the long run and respected by a wide community of developers and thats it for todays list: the benefits of PHP development.

In 2019, PHP development is still the best and most common programming language used to develop a website – Although it has move don and changed a little since we originally published this article 3 years back.

Web site development is what’s used to bring your website to life – It can add functionality to the front end of your website and also control your website from the backend allowing you to update, maintain and control your website as you wish.

When working with your chosen web development company – And there are a few web development companies in Birmingham – it’s important that you have the right chemistry with them and that they can not only develop what you require but really understand your website development requirements and how it fit’s into the bigger picture.

These days website development isn’t just a standalone part of your website, it’s also linked heavily with SEO, so when getting your website developed it’s important that your code is super clean, minimal and if in doubt speak with your chosen SEO agency in Birmingham – Who may not be your website developers to get clarity on how your development process will or could affect your SEO efforts.


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